Review: Aegend Swim Goggles

Pros: Easy to put on & adjust straps, very good UV protection.
Cons: Mirrored coating can scratch. 

Aegend Swim Goggles serve their purpose very well, as they are very easy to put on and adjust, allowing the goggles to rest comfortably on nearly anybody’s head. The mirror coating makes it easy to see through them even in the brightest sunshine and they are not so dark they can’t be worn at night. The only real negative about Aegend’s mirrored goggles is that they can easily scratch, although this can be averted by simply setting them lens up on the side of the pool or keeping them in their protective case. Overall I would recommend these goggles to anyone, especially those in UV rich environments. They look cool and work great.

Future Professions

Daily Prompt:  What profession that exists today is unlikely to exist in the future and why?

My prediction for is that the profession of neighborhood car mechanics will not exist in the future. The day self-driving cars become mainstream inches ever forward. With it comes the extinction of the everyday car mechanic. While the car mechanic job is almost guaranteed to not exist in the future, replaced by robots, some of these jobs will likely exist for the next 10~ years seeing as there will still be people who cannot afford or simply don’t want a self driving car.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

A Book Review

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was originally published on October 12th, 1979 by Pan Books in the United Kingdom, and was later published in the United States in 1980 by the same publisher. Before Hitchhiker’s Guide was ever a book it was a 6 part BBC radio broadcast in 1978 which inspired Nick Webb, editor of Pan Books, to seek out Douglas Adams to write a novel, based on the fact Adams had made previous adaptations of radio broadcasts.

Hitchhiker’s Guide is about Arthur Dent and his companions’ adventures across the universe using the spaceship the Heart of Gold. Arthur, the last surviving human male in the universe, goes on these adventures because an alien species destroyed his planet (Earth) to make a universal superhighway.

The four main characters are Arthur Philip Dent, Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox and Tricia Marie McMillan. Arthur was only barely saved when his planet was destroyed, by his friend Ford Prefect, who is soon revealed to be an alien and a transcriber for the Hitchhiker’s Guide. Zaphod Beeblebrox was formerly the president of the universe of which he only served as a figurehead to the real masters of the universe. The reason Zaphod ran for universal office in the first place was to steal the Heart of Gold. Tricia was an astrophysicist who met Arthur at a party 6 months before Earth was destroyed. She joined Zaphod on his journey in the Heart of Gold before the start of the story.

Without further adieu plot, details in the style of the actual book:

Arthur Dent was having a very bad day after all having your planet be destroyed is naturally a bad thing. On the other hand, being rescued by an alien friend of yours and being transported to a golden spaceship is more odd than bad. But at the end of the day, finding a mythical planet-making machine, while flying through the universe at infinite speeds, is always entertaining, so because it is filled with weird little details like the fact that mice are pan-dimensional.

Hitchhiker’s Guide is a cult classic, of which I can see why with its interesting, yet confused plots. It is perfect for any young Sci-fi fan. While I believe the book is good, I do not believe older audiences would enjoy it as much, seeing how confusing it is sometimes — well, unless like me you enjoy being confused.


Fortune Cookies


Today’s writing prompt:

Write five* original thoughts that will be stuffed inside fortune cookies for perfect strangers to read.

1:  Those who have power seek it most, those who do not, seek hope.

2:  Savor those you have now most, because you may eventually have none.

3: Tales which have held up against the test of time may be lessons of the past, or guides for the future.



* The original assignment was for 10 fortune cookies but I can only come up with 3 gems at this time so I will add 2 more when I think of them. The 6th will be, “Do not overprompt what requires a cookie to read.”


Today’s writing prompt:

Design a non-alcoholic cocktail. What ingredients are in it and what will you name it?

The Lateral Orange

4 ounces of Sprite

4 ounces of Grapefruit Juice

4 ounces of Club Soda

2 ounces of Orange Juice

When all ingredients are added, mix them lightly and add one 8 inch piece of the outer skin of an orange (the rind), with one end at the bottom of the glass and the other end above the edge of the glass for decoration. Drink!